Packaging Tips

When creating the packaging for your market display, focus on a professional, detailed-oriented and personalized look. These three items working together will showcase your product so that any passerby can tell that your items were made with care and dedication.

Having a professional appearance in packaging at a market stand tells everyone that you take your products seriously and they can expect the very best. Your packaging is your chance to tell the story of your baked goods. The effort you take to design, package, and display your goods correlates with customer expectation.

Attention to details goes a long way in pulling together your packaging. Adding a pop of color with a ribbon or a handwritten note showcase why your product is different than what you’ll find on a supermarket shelf.

Having a personalized look to your packaging establishes you as a serious baker and keeps you top of mind the next market. The best way to do this is to have your name (or farm name), design, or logo that appears on all of your materials. You can go a little more in depth and pair the name with a simple image. Or, you can go all out and have a complete logo (which isn’t as scary as it sounds). Keep in mind that having a logo doesn’t mean complex. The main thing to remember is your overall style and the general feel you want to convey. This is a great time to check back in with your list of descriptors (see display section) for direction.

Before you’re ready to head to market, there’s one more step – pulling it all together. At this time, you should have a specific style that includes a tablecloth with matching display items, and pricing that is clear and creative. Be sure to have put your entire display together and take a photo. Better yet, take several photos from multiple angles. Setting up your space at market always (and should) takes a fair amount of time. Have the plan in place and the details finalized as you head to market. There will be far less time wasted during setup if you aren’t trying to make last minute decisions as you go. This will ensure a well thought out, organized, and professional look for your market display, and help you stand out from the crowd.


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