by | | Apples, Cake, Recipe, Sweet
Cider-Glazed Apple Cake Recipe 4 cups apple cider3.75 cups flour1.5 tsp salt1.5 tsp baking powder1/2 tsp baking soda1 tsp ground clove1 cup oil1.5 cups brown sugar3 eggs ((room temperature))2 tsp vanilla3 cups shredded tart apples ((about 1/2 pound))3/4 cup powdered...
by | | Apples, Recipe, Scones, Sweet
Apple Scones Recipe 4.66 cups flour3/4 cups sugar1 tbsp cinnamon5 tsp baking powder1/4 tsp salt2 sticks unsalted butter ((cold and cubed))2 large tart apples, grated3/4 cup heavy cream Combine flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. Cut cold...
by | | Apples, Cake, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Photos, Recipe, Sweet
Cider-Glazed Apple Cake Recipe 4 cups apple cider3.75 cups flour1.5 tsp salt1.5 tsp baking powder1/2 tsp baking soda1 tsp ground clove1 cup vegetable oil1.5 cups brown sugar3 eggs, room temperature2 tsp vanilla3 cups shredded tart apples ((about 1.5 pounds))3/4 cup...